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Bluegrass Tips on How to Prepare your Lawn for Fall and Winter Include Aeration and Overseeding

Many kids dream of owning a home when they get older, but not many of them think about the maintenance that must be done to keep it functioning at its best. One of the best things about owning the space in which you reside is that you can decorate it how you prefer! When you pull into your driveway, you want to smile because it’s so aesthetically pleasing. There are some tasks that need to be completed in the fall to get your home ready for the onslaught of extremely cold temperatures and snow that we’re about to encounter over the next few months.


Here at Bluegrass Incorporated, our main goal is to make that smile appear on your face with our comprehensive, custom lawn and landscaping services, and we’ve been providing our wide range of services — from irrigation installation and pet fencing to custom landscaping with lights and tips for a gorgeous lawn — for over 30 years. Today we’re going to talk about the importance of aerating and overseeding your lawn in preparation for winter.


What is aeration and how does it help your lawn thrive?


Your lawn needs oxygen, water, and other nutrients to thrive. You get those elements deep into the soil by making holes in your lawn. This process is aeration. It also breaks up soil that has hardened over the course of summer. Foot traffic and weather can compact your soil, taking away the air pockets that deliver what it needs to grow. The deeper you penetrate, the more nourished the root system of the grass will be, which improves it resistance to drought and disease.


Fall is a great time to aerate because the soil is still warm and the grass is still growing, allowing it to recover much faster. Aerating prepares your grass for winter and creates a great environment for overseeding while preventing weed growth. How do you do it?


Watering your lawn the evening before you aerate can help soften the soil. Pay extra attention to areas that may be most compacted, like those with heavy foot traffic. One of the best pieces of equipment to use is a core aerator with hollow tines that are four to six inches long. Proceed across your lawn and repeat a crisscross pattern. It will pull small plugs from your soil, which you can leave on the lawn and break up into pieces when they’ve dried. They will infuse your lawn with precious organic matter. Immediately after aeration is when you’ll want to overseed.


What is overseeding and how does it benefit your lawn?


Do you want your lawn to be thicker, have a more intense color, and be more resistant to drought and disease? Does it require increasing amounts of fertilizer and water just to look halfway decent? That’s exactly when you should overseed, and fall is the best time to do so. It’s the perfect way to fill in bare spots and improve the density of the grass.


It’s quick and easy with the help of a handheld rotary spreader. Overseeding is simply the process of putting seeds onto your existing lawn. It works on nearly every lawn type — including Kentucky bluegrass, perennial and annual ryegrass, and fine and tall fescue.


The initial step is to mow your lawn down to about two inches and remove all the clippings afterwards. This step helps the seeds better take root. Remove all the clippings, twigs, and other debris. You may also want to rake your yard to dethatch it, which loosens up the grass. You then spread the seed according to the package directions. Make sure it’s a dry, still day, because too much wind can prevent it from properly settling. Afterwards, spread a quarter of an inch of compost or starter fertilizer to stimulate its growth. Your overseeded lawn will be thirsty so be sure to water it twice a day for the first week and even more the next week. Don’t mow again for at least three weeks.


Whether you have a dog that likes to dig, have brown spots from dog waste and the sun, or just have a lawn where weeds love to grow, overseeding in the fall will help it thrive. Aerating then overseeding your lawn will provide you with lush and healthy grass all year long. It will be so worth it when you’re standing in the grass barefoot with your eyes closed and can feel the softness of the grass. That’s all you needed to mentally drift away to a dream destination, like the beach or mountains. You’ll love not only your lawn’s density but also how vibrant its green hue is, and how hardy it is as the extreme temperatures lash out. Call us here at Bluegrass to get started or visit us online for more information.


Bluegrass Incorporated

4855 Hills and Dales Rd NW

Canton, Ohio 44708



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